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Connecting Musanze: A Strategic Vision for Tourism Excellence

At the foot of the Virunga Volcanoes in northern Rwanda, Musanze has emerged as one of the country’s main tourist destinations, primarily known for its stunning natural beauty and the enchanting mountain gorillas. The region not only leads as Rwanda’s foremost tourist destination but also enjoys global recognition for its unique wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. The tourism sector’s prominence in Musanze is undeniable, driving private sector development and positioning the district as a central figure in Rwanda’s economic landscape.

The strategic importance of tourism in Musanze has been encapsulated in the district’s development vision of becoming a “Tourism Center of Excellence.” This vision has received substantial support from various stakeholders, including the German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ) through SD4T, which has played a pivotal support for a destination management approach to development of the tourism sector in Musanze. The journey towards realizing this vision began with the creation of a strategic long-term plan aimed at fostering the development of tourism in Musanze.

February 2024 marked a significant milestone for Musanze with the validation of its Strategic Tourism Development Plan. This event brought together the district’s key stakeholders, including the Rwanda Development Board, to discuss and endorse the plan. This collaborative effort underscores the commitment and enthusiasm of all parties involved in transforming Musanze into a global tourism hub.

A District with Potential

Musanze’s visit to be recognized as an “Excellent Centre of Tourism Industry” is not unfounded. The district’s development strategy for 2018-2024 reflects this aspiration, highlighting Musanze’s potential as a prime tourism destination. Situated within the Volcanoes Destination Management Area, Musanze stands out as one of Rwanda’s most developed districts, blessed with diverse wildlife, rich cultural history, and stunning landscapes.

The district’s proximity to the Volcanoes National Park and its role as the habitat for the critically endangered mountain gorillas are just the tip of the iceberg. Musanze offers a plethora of attractions, including historical sites, cultural villages, and natural wonders like the beautiful twin lakes. These diverse offerings position Musanze as a destination with something for everyone. 

Musanze lacks some of the basic infrastructures which is holding back its potential. Larger international standard hotels and conference facilities as well as some of the needed infrastructure like an airport and improved roads are some of the things holding it back.

The Road Ahead: Enhancing Musanze’s Tourism Appeal

Despite its natural and cultural assets, Musanze faces the challenge of encouraging tourists to extend their stay beyond the popular gorilla tours. The Strategic Tourism Development Plan addresses this issue by advocating for tourism diversification. To achieve this, the plan identifies key areas for improvement, such as enhancing tourism infrastructure, developing new attractions, and improving visitor amenities.

Addressing the challenge of limited tourism infrastructure is critical. The plan outlines strategies for establishing robust transportation networks and enhancing the overall tourist experience in Musanze. By doing so, the district aims to reinforce its position as a leading tourist destination in Rwanda. Reviving Musanze airport and improving the road network over the twin lakes are things which would substantially enhance the destination. 


Another vital aspect of the development plan is capacity building within the hospitality industry. The quality is generally uneven despite the accreditation of hotels. Empowering locals through training and skills development is essential for ensuring that the benefits of tourism reach the community’s grassroots level. This approach emphasizes the importance of local participation in the tourism sector, aligning with Musanze’s commitment to inclusive growth. Various models for funding continuous trainings such as a payroll fee or a service charge has been put forward. 

Leadership and Collaboration: Key to Success

A central question arises from the Strategic Tourism Development Plan: who will lead Musanze’s tourism development? The Rwanda Development Board (RDB) has already set the stage by establishing a destination management area in Musanze. The plan further advocates for the creation of a local destination management organization (DMO) to spearhead tourism development. This DMO is envisioned to collaborate closely with local stakeholders, including the private sector and district authorities, to market Musanze as a premier destination and address the identified gaps in the tourism sector.

The initiation of Musanze’s strategic tourism planning process, symbolized by the validation of the Strategic Tourism Development Plan, lays a solid foundation for future growth. The plan’s success is attributed to the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders, including the private sector, local government, RDB, and international partners like GIZ.

Economic Impacts and Community Benefits

The strategic focus on tourism development in Musanze has far-reaching economic implications. Tourism not only drives direct revenue generation but also stimulates ancillary industries such as hospitality, food and beverage, and crafts. The plan’s emphasis on local empowerment and capacity building aims to ensure that the fruits of tourism growth are widely shared, fostering socio-economic development at the community level.

Investments in infrastructure and amenities are anticipated to spur job creation, enhancing livelihoods and contributing to the overall well-being of Musanze’s residents. By prioritizing sustainable and inclusive growth, the strategic plan lays the groundwork for a tourism sector that is resilient, dynamic, and beneficial to all stakeholders.

Management of key tourism projects

Several ongoing projects are currently ongoing in the region. Among these, the Kinigi Green Leisure Park stands out as a pioneering initiative aimed at enhancing the recreational and leisure experiences outside Volcanoes National Park. Positioned near the Volcanoes National Park, this project seeks to leverage the district’s natural assets, creating a space where visitors can engage in various outdoor activities while enjoying the serene beauty of Musanze. It also has plans for a new amphitheater and an international conference center. 

Another significant project that underscores the district’s dedication to environmental conservation and sustainable tourism is the Mukungwa River Eco Park. This initiative focuses on the restoration and preservation of the Mukungwa River’s banks, transforming them into a vibrant eco-park that serves as a sanctuary for local wildlife and a green space for community recreation and environmental education. By integrating conservation efforts with tourism development, the Mukungwa River Eco Park aims to showcase the ecological wealth of Musanze while promoting eco-friendly practices among visitors and residents alike.

The district has also set aside land for the creation of a recreational area in town. This will include the establishment of food courts and an artificial lake in Musanze town represents a further effort to diversify the local tourism offering while supporting small and medium-sized enterprises. These food courts are designed to cater to the culinary curiosity of visitors by providing a range of local and international cuisines. By creating a hub for gastronomic exploration, Musanze aims to enhance the visitor experience, encouraging longer stays and deeper engagement with the district’s culture and hospitality. These projects collectively reflect Musanze’s strategic approach to tourism development, emphasizing sustainability, community involvement, and the enhancement of the visitor experience.

The bigger question is how these new projects will be managed and developed and how they will be used to market the destination to a broader range of visitors. This is where the local destination management organization comes in. 


Musanze’s journey towards becoming a “Tourism Center of Excellence” is a testament to the power of strategic planning and collaboration. The district’s rich natural and cultural heritage, combined with a clear vision for development, sets the stage for a vibrant tourism sector that benefits not just tourists but the local community as well. As Musanze continues to implement its Strategic Tourism Development Plan, the future looks promising for this Rwandan gem, poised to shine even brighter on the global tourism stage.