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People in seeting in a class with computers

We contribute to improving access to high-quality TVET in light manufacturing that is relevant to the labour market. Together with our TVET institutional partners, especially Rwanda Polytechnic (RP) and Rwanda TVET Board (RTB), we develop and revise curricula in different trades related to light manufacturing, develop capacities of teachers, and facilitate workplace learning for students to gain practical experience. Moreover, we offer short trainings for entrepreneurs or their staff who wish to enhance their skills.

To emphasize the relevance of TVET to the labour market through concrete examples, we accompany stakeholders from the private sector and TVET schools in jointly addressing issues of relevance to them. Here, we focus on the Musanze and Huye districts.

We are contributing to the digitalization efforts of RTB through the provision of online basic digital literacy and e-pedagogy training to teachers, exploring options for the design of Rwandan TVET online manuals, and supporting RP in preparing the improvement of its Management Information System.