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Learning Science in a Fun Way

Rwanda today faces a skills shortage in both academic as well as occupational scientific jobs. The objective of Tech Camps for Kids is to spark interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics at an early age. Due to a lack of resources and teacher, especially pupils from rural areas are facing barriers regarding qualitative and motivating education. Hence, Tech Camps for Kids wants to empower and promote children by providing them access to science in a fun and playful way. The concept is based on the Kinder Technik Ferien Camps by the German University of Koblenz-Landau. Tech camps with different focusses, such as robotics, mechanics and programming, and for different age groups are being conducted at rural schools, private schools as well as international schools.

The Children’s Creativity Lab is running the camps with the support of Jumelage, the partnership between Rhineland-Palatine and Rwanda, and the Promotion of Economy and Employment Programme (Eco-Emploi)/GIZ.