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SD4T advises TVET institutions such as the Rwanda TVET Board (RTB) and Rwanda Polytechnique (RP) on the design and implementation of TVET programmes – in line with the demand of MSMEs and cooperatives in the wood, tourism and audio-visual value chains. The project trains TVET trainers and in-company instructors to introduce new skills and support the development of the selected value chains. New and further trainings in these value chains also include occupational safety and health trainings and place a focus on empowering women. The project specifically supports schools in developing more inclusive approaches for persons with disabilities. Moreover, the project promotes workplace learning by supporting internships as well as industrial attachments and developing implementation guidelines for the workplace learning policy.

E-Learning has become increasingly important during the COVID-19 pandemic when TVET schools were obliged to adopt alternatives to face-to-face teaching and learning to sustain skills development despite school closures. SD4T supports the development and implementation of e-learning formats and systems in Rwanda; for example, it supports Rwanda Polytechnique in the digitisation of learning content for selected curricula and trains trainers in basic digital literacy.