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TVET trainers in 30 districts equipped with digital literacy and e-teaching skills

Group of people receiving certificates

SUCCESS STORIES TVET trainers in 30 districts equipped with digital literacy and e-teaching skills Together with the Rwanda TVET Board and the Digital Skills Foundation, GIZ Eco-Emploi trained 30 TVET master trainers (one from each district) on digital literacy and e-teaching/didactical skills from 31 January to 4 February in Muhanga. In addition to the physical […]

Experiencing community-based tourism in the Kivu Belt

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SUCCESS STORIES Experiencing community-based tourism in the Kivu Belt Eco-Emploi, in collaboration with the Chief Tourism Office of RDB and the Chamber of Tourism, supports Rwanda in making its tourism attractions more diverse and visible to increase economic growth and create employment opportunities. This includes the improvement of tourism services and the development of promising […]

Hiking and biking the Congo Nile Trail

welcome to congo nile

SUCCESS STORIES Hiking and biking the Congo Nile Trail Eco-Emploi, in collaboration with the Chief Tourism Office of RDB and the Chamber of Tourism, supports Rwanda in making its tourism attractions more diverse and visible to increase economic growth and create employment opportunities. This includes the improvement of tourism services and the development of promising […]

42 certified local guides to lead birdwatching tours in Destination Kivu Belt


SUCCESS STORIES 42 certified local guides to lead birdwatching tours in Destination Kivu Belt Birdwatching is a significant and rapidly growing nature-based tourism activity that contributes to sustainable and eco-friendly tourism practices, and Rwanda has a great deal to offer. The country is a birdwatchers’ paradise offering one of the best African Montane Birding experiences. […]

WeCode the Future – Empowering Rwandan Women in Technology

women using a computer

SUCCESS STORIES WeCode the Future – Empowering Rwandan Women in Technology In Rwanda, digitalisation has the potential to create new, well-paid jobs. However, since the IT-sector is traditionally a masculine domain, so far mainly men have profited from this development. WeCode is a Rwandan software academy that works to close the gender gap by supporting […]

Job Seekers Success Stories

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SUCCESS STORIES WivineMasabato, Cashier, Urwego Opportunity Bank “I had heard about MESC providing support to youths to find jobs and receive trainingsthrough my friends. Hence, immediately after my studies in 2017, I registered with the centre.After a month I received trainings on ICT and interpersonal skills. This helped me immenselyin acquiring my current job with […]

Employers Success Stories

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SUCCESS STORIES CLINIQUE MPORE LIBERTE Dr. Eugene Rutayombya / Managing Director, Clinique MporeLiberté “We have continually been taking the services of MESC to receive suitable candidates in our Clinic and recently signed anMoU with the centre and our collaboration is growing. We are very satisfied with applicants who have applied through the centre. They are […]

Private Sector enhanced competitiveness through partnership

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SUCCESS STORIES Private Sector enhanced competitiveness through partnership Paradis owns and runs Wood Habitat, a company she started towards the end of 2014. Having always had an interest in interior design works, she turned her passion into her profession and quickly became a rising star of an “eco-friendly home furnishing and decor boutique’’ in Rwanda. […]

How collaborations led to success

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SUCCESS STORIES How collaborations led to success Sr. Marie Louise, Director of RTSS details the schools journeyThe Rubengera Technical Secondary School was founded in 2013 with the aim to help young unemployed people find jobs and have a better and decent life. The school has come a long way since then; initially started with 15 […]